

    «Patagonia Unida»: Festival Solidario para Ayudar a niños coyhaiquinos

    Coyhaique se prepara para un gran evento solidario con la actividad "Patagonia Unida", que se llevará a cabo los días 1 y 2 de marzo en la Plaza de Armas de Coyhaique. Este evento tiene como objetivo recaudar fondos para Agustín Jara, un joven que padece el síndrome de Sweet, además de brindar apoyo a otros casos de salud en la comuna. El festival contará...

    Revisa si eres beneficiario: ¡Comenzó el pago del Aporte Familiar 2025!

    El lunes 17 de febrero arrancó el pago de la primera nómina del Aporte Familiar Permanente 2025, anteriormente conocido como “Bono Marzo”. Para este año, el monto es de $64.574 por carga o familia, según el beneficio que recibas, y en la Región de Aysén se entregarán más de 14 mil aportes. 👥 ¿Quiénes reciben el beneficio?Se incluirán quienes a diciembre de 2024 hayan sido...

    The Lost City Review: Bullock & Tatum Charm In Fun Old-School Adventure

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Morbius Review: Jared Leto’s Sony Marvel Entry Is Boring & Unoriginal

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    You Won’t Be Alone Review: Inventive Horror Is Ambitious To A Fault

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Everything Everywhere All At Once Review: Yeoh In Imaginative Sci-Fi

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Pirates Review: Three Charming Leads Make For A Fun, Slight Adventure

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...

    Moonshot Review: Lana Condor & Cole Sprouse Lead Charming Space Rom-Com

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he...